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Featured MD Consultant: Elena (University of Alberta)

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AcceptedTogether Consultants

We are admissions consultants dedicated to helping you get into your dream school


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Q1:What is your position and at which school?

Resident physician at the University of Alberta.

Q2: Tell us a bit about yourself!

My name is Elena and I am a resident physician at the University of Alberta. I went to the University of Calgary for medical school and started after the third year of my undergraduate degree. I was born in Europe, but I grew up in Alberta and I love going to the mountains to ski and hike when I can. The medical school application process can be stressful and overwhelming, especially if like me you are the first in your family to pursue a career in medicine. I would love to work with you and help you along your journey to becoming a doctor!

Q3: What’s one thing that others may not know about you? 

I love to bake (and eat) and often bring treats to the hospital!

Q4: If you didn’t go into the field you are in right now, what field would you have gone into?

Teaching! The word doctor is derived from the Latin “docere” which means to teach. The best part of my job is sharing my knowledge and educating patients and families as well as teaching and mentoring younger learners!

Q5: What is the most difficult interview question in your opinion?

“Tell us about yourself.” It seems simple, but coming up with a succinct answer that is both memorable and demonstrates all of your attributes takes practice!

Q6: What do you think contributed the most to your success?

Practice, practice, practice! Learning to present yourself well in interviews and in a written application is a skill that can be learned and improved upon. I would love to work with you to ensure that you present yourself as well as possible! 

Q7: What was your application journey like? 

I applied during my science undergraduate degree and started medical school after my third year, but I have worked with a variety of students from those on a more traditional path to mature students with a variety of life experiences and many have been accepted to medical school! 

Q8: What services do you offer? 

I offer application and personal statement review and editing, interview preparation, Casper preparation, general consultations and scholarship assistance. If there is a service or package that you are looking for that is not listed in my profile please feel free to reach out and I will do my best to accommodate your request. I can also offer discounts for students that book multiple sessions. 

Q9: What’s your biggest tip for students applying to your field? 

Start early and get lots of feedback! It often takes several attempts to write a personal statement or activity description that stands out and the students that preform well during interviews are those that have practiced and incorporated feedback well. 

Q10: Why should students choose you as their consultant?

I have worked with students from a variety of backgrounds for over three years and my sessions and feedback are tailored to each individual student to highlight their strengths and to improve upon their weaknesses. I have worked with students from a variety of backgrounds and have helped many students gain acceptances to medical school. I would love to work with you on your journey!


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