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Featured Dentistry Consultant: Mahta  (University of Toronto)

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AcceptedTogether Consultants

We are admissions consultants dedicated to helping you get into your dream school


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Q1:What is your position and at which school?

The University of Toronto, Second Year Student. 

Q2: Tell us a bit about yourself!

I am a university of Toronto graduate, majoring in human biology and nutritional sciences. I am really passionate about helping students gain admissions to dental school. I have initiated an organization that is dedicated to helping students for the DAT, personal statement, and interviews. 

Q3: What’s one thing that others may not know about you? 

I have an identical twin sister that is also in dental school. 

Q4: If you didn’t go into the field you are in right now, what field would you have gone into?

I love dentistry, there is no other field I would have chosen, I was determined to become a dentist and would have never given up this career path.

Q5: What is the most difficult interview question in your opinion?

I would say ethical based MMI questions are the most difficult interview questions because you have to keep in mind so many different aspects in your answer and at the same time tackle the main problem in the question, you must go through many different possible scenarios that could take place, and articulate the consequences and repercussions of those scenarios. 

Q6: What do you think contributed the most to your success?

Dedication, perseverance and resilience, having a goal in mind and being committed to that goal, also having a strong support system is key in my opinion. 

Q7: What was your application journey like? 

I applied to many different schools, both in Canada and the U.S, after graduating from the University of Toronto, I was determined to gain admission. I applied twice and was successful the second time around.

 Q8: Would you like to share some statistics with us? (This can be in the form of GPA/MCAT/Casper scores, the number of schools you applied to and got accepted, etc.)

GPA 3.94, DAT AA-22, PAT 21, RC-20. Casper third quartile. 

Q9: What services do you offer? 

Interview prep: MMI, traditional. Personal statement editing. Application process tips. 

Q10: What’s your biggest tip for students applying to your field? 

Apply early and do a lot of practice for interviews, the most important thing is to really shine in your interview and at the same time show them why they should choose you over all other candidates. Interview practice is the most important part of being a successful candidate and I cannot stress this enough. 

Q11: Why should students choose you as their consultant?

There are many students who are amazing at what they do and can help your prepare for your interviews. I am very dedicated and have been through this process many times, having applied two years in a row, taught me a lot about this process and made me realize what are the important things I have to keep in mind in order to be a successful candidate.


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