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Featured DDS Consultant: Noor (University of Toronto)

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AcceptedTogether Consultants

We are admissions consultants dedicated to helping you get into your dream school


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Q1:What is your position and at which school?

DDS2 at the University of Toronto

Q2: Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hey there! My name is Noor and I completed my Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto. I did a double major in psychology and biology and absolutely loved it! Learning about human thinking and behavior is so cool, I highly recommend for any healthcare field!! Outside of school, I enjoy exploring the outdoors, swimming, volunteering, and spending time with friends/family. Another thing that I enjoy doing is teaching and mentoring others. I love sharing my journey and experiences with other students to help them realize that with hard work and dedication, it is totally possible to get to where you want to be.

A tip that helped me during the application process was to avoid comparison with other students. Just think about it, if your journey were to be like every other applicant, then what would set you apart from them? Taking a gap year, doing that masters, or spending an extra summer working can help differentiate you from traditional applicants. There is no need to rush the process. I personally took a gap year after my undergraduate degree to write my DAT, build on my application and gain some work experience. I really believe this distinguished me from other applicants because I was slightly more mature, gained valuable skills from new experiences, and was truly able to reflect on my pre-dental journey. Remember there’s no specific pathway to professional school. Focus on yourself and work at your own pace, despite how long it takes compared to students around you. Time will pass anyway.


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