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Casper Scenarios

Scenario 1:
You have just met up with your friend Jacob at his house. Jacob is suffering from morbid obesity, and even though he is just 33, he is already suffering from Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Jacob tells you that he is hungry and asks if he can order an extra-large pizza and fried onion for you two to share.

  1. Is it rude to tell Jacob that this is not good for his health?
  2. Let’s say that you know Jacob has been having a hard time lately at work, and this meeting was meant “to get his mind off things.” Does this change your answer above?
  3. How can you help Jacob reduce his weight and become healthier?

Scenario 2:
A wealthy donor had just donated $5 Million dollars to the local hospital last week. Today, her father comes to the emergency room to be treated for a broken hip.

  1. Should the hospital treat the father in a different manner than other patients?
  2. One of the emergency room nurses decided to go out of her way to make sure the patient is comfortable. Is she acting in an unethical manner?
  3. How can hospitals and other public institutions reward donors in a manner that is ethical?

Scenario 3:
Leadership is a trait that is often sought out in candidates entering professional schools. However, at the same time, most professional schools integrate leadership teaching into their curriculum.

  1. Do you consider this counter-intuitive?
  2. How do your leadership skills differ today from what they were five years ago?
  3. Who do you consider a strong leader? State a person and describe your reasoning.

Scenario 4:
Sophie, a marketing executive, is aware that her company’s advertisements are misleading and exaggerate the benefits of their products, which goes against her commitment to honesty and consumer trust.

  1. Should Sophie raise concerns about the misleading advertisements to her superiors, even if it means potentially jeopardizing her job?
  2. What ethical considerations should marketers take into account when crafting advertisements?
  3. How can organizations promote truthful and transparent advertising practices while upholding the principles of equity and consumer protection?

Scenario 5:
John, a pharmacist, notices that a fellow pharmacist is stealing prescription medications for personal use, endangering patients and undermining the trust placed in the healthcare profession.

  1. Should John report his colleague’s illegal actions to the authorities, even if it means damaging the reputation of the pharmacy?
  2. What ethical responsibilities do healthcare professionals have in ensuring the integrity of prescription medication distribution?
  3. Reflecting on a similar situation, how have you seen organizations effectively address and prevent unethical behavior within their ranks?

Scenario 6:
Jennifer is a university student who is a fan of romantic novels from the 19th century, such as “Pride and Prejudice.” She decides to start a club dedicated to those novels called the “Old Romantic Books Club.” Heather identifies as a member of the LGTBQ+ community and told Jennifer that these books glorify heterosexual relationships and make her feel bad about herself. She asks Jennifer not to form this club.

  1. Should Jennifer still form the club if Heather is one of her best friends?
  2. If Jennifer decides to go ahead with the club, what are ways to make it more inclusive to LGBTQ+ students like Heather?
  3. Heather decided to open her own club called the “LGBTQ+ Pride Society,” which only allows LGBTQ+ members. Jennifer tells Heather that this is discriminatory against her. Is Jennifer justified in saying that?

Scenario 7:
Emma is a teacher at a primary school. She notices that one of her students, Mark, is consistently being bullied by his classmates. Emma faces the dilemma of whether to intervene and confront the bullies or take a different approach.

  1. Should Emma directly address the bullying situation with the students involved?
  2. How can Emma approach the conversation with the bullies in a way that promotes empathy and encourages them to change their behavior?
  3. What measures can schools implement to create a safe and inclusive environment that discourages bullying?

Scenario 8:
Sarah works as a customer service representative for an online retail company. She receives a customer complaint regarding a faulty product, but the company’s policy is to deny refunds in such cases. Sarah is torn between following company guidelines and providing exceptional customer service.

  1. Should Sarah go against company policy and offer a refund to the customer?
  2. How can Sarah communicate with the customer to address their concerns while adhering to company guidelines?
  3. What steps can organizations take to balance their policies and procedures with exceptional customer service?

Scenario 9:
Michael is a software engineer working on a project with a tight deadline. He discovers that one of his colleagues, David, has been plagiarizing code from online sources. Michael faces the ethical dilemma of whether to report David’s actions to their supervisor or confront him directly.

  1. Should Michael report David’s plagiarism to their supervisor immediately?
  2. How can Michael approach the conversation with David to address the issue while encouraging him to take responsibility for his actions?
  3. What measures can organizations implement to prevent and detect plagiarism among employees in technical fields?

Scenario 10:
Rebecca is a financial advisor working for a large investment firm. She learns that her company has been promoting investment products with hidden fees that negatively impact clients’ returns. Rebecca is conflicted about how to respond to this unethical practice.

  1. Should Rebecca report the hidden fees to her superiors, even if it risks her position within the company?
  2. How can Rebecca address the issue with her superiors while advocating for transparent and fair practices in client investments?
  3. What role does regulatory oversight play in ensuring ethical conduct within the financial industry?

Scenario 11:
Adam is a project manager for a construction company. He becomes aware that the subcontractor they hired is using substandard materials, which could compromise the safety and quality of the project. Adam faces the ethical dilemma of whether to address the issue immediately or prioritize completing the project on time.

  1. Should Adam halt the project and address the subcontractor’s use of substandard materials, even if it leads to delays?
  2. How can Adam approach the conversation with the subcontractor to rectify the situation and ensure compliance with quality standards?
  3. What systems and processes can construction companies implement to ensure the use of high-quality materials and ethical practices?

Scenario 12:

Sarah is a manager at a retail company and discovers that one of her colleagues, Mark, has been engaging in unethical sales practices by pressuring customers into purchasing unnecessary products. Sarah is faced with the dilemma of how to address Mark’s unethical behavior.

  1. Should Sarah confront Mark directly about his unethical sales practices before escalating the issue to higher management?
  2. How can Sarah approach the conversation with Mark to address the issue and emphasize the importance of ethical sales practices?
  3. What measures can organizations implement to ensure ethical conduct among sales teams and maintain customer trust?

Scenario 13:

Michael is a teacher at a high school and becomes aware that one of his colleagues, Laura, has been altering students’ grades to improve the school’s academic reputation. Michael is torn between reporting Laura’s actions or discussing the issue with her directly.

  1. Should Michael confront Laura directly about her unethical grade alterations before involving school administration?
  2. How can Michael approach the conversation with Laura to address the issue and promote academic integrity?
  3. What strategies can educational institutions adopt to prevent grade tampering and ensure fair evaluation of students’ performance?

Scenario 14:

David, a financial advisor, discovers that his client is intentionally manipulating financial records to evade taxes, putting the client at risk of legal consequences.

  1. Should David report his client’s tax evasion to the appropriate authorities, even if it means breaching client confidentiality?
  2. As a financial advisor, what ethical responsibilities do you believe should guide decisions regarding compliance with tax laws and regulations?
  3. Reflecting on a similar situation, how did you navigate the challenges of upholding professional ethics while maintaining client confidentiality?

Scenario 15:

Lisa, a school teacher, witnesses a colleague engaging in verbal abuse and bullying toward students in the classroom, creating a hostile and harmful learning environment.

  1. Should Lisa report her colleague’s abusive behavior to the school administration, even if it risks creating tension among the teaching staff?
  2. What ethical responsibilities do you believe teachers have in creating safe and supportive learning environments for students?
  3. Share a time when you observed inappropriate behavior in an educational setting. How did you handle the situation and what lessons did you learn from it?

Scenario 16:
Michael, a sales representative, is asked by his company to make false promises to potential clients regarding the capabilities of their product, which goes against his commitment to honesty and integrity.

  1. Should Michael refuse to make false promises, even if it means potential reprimand or loss of sales for his company?
  2. In your opinion, what ethical considerations should sales professionals prioritize when making claims about products or services?
  3. Reflecting on your own experiences, how have you navigated situations where there was pressure to compromise your integrity for the sake of business goals?

Scenario 17:
Your elderly grandmother calls you an hour two days before your final exam for a course. She says that she is feeling very lonely and would really like to use the nice weather in the next few days to go to the park with you. 

1. What would you do in this situation? 

2. How can we prevent the elderly from facing increasing loneliness? 

3. Describe a time when you felt lonely yourself. 

Scenario 18:
Consider a time when you gave someone else feedback. 

  1. How did you approach the feedback?
  2. What is the difference between constructive feedback and unconstructive feedback?
  3. How could you have improved the feedback? 

Scenario 19:
During a healthcare crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of healthcare workers, such as nurses and physicians, are praised for their brave work and danger the face. Other hospital workers, including those who are involved in sanitation, food services, and others, are often forgotten. 

  1. Why do you think is the reason that they often get forgotten? 
  2. Do you think this is fair?
  3. Describe a time when you felt undervalued? 

Scenario 20:
Kevin is a grocery store manager who recently discovered that one of his employees has been stealing bread in order to feed his starving family. Kevin was checking the store cameras after he noticed bread go missing without being paid for, and that’s how he found out. The employee doesn’t know that Kevin is aware. 

  1. How should Kevin approach the situation?
  2. Should this be reported to the police?
  3. How can Kevin prevent such an event from happening in the future? 

Scenario 21:
Imagine being the TA (Teacher’s Assistant) for a chemistry class. One of the students in the class you are TAing in has been coming to your office hours often, and you are aware that she is struggling quite a bit. She is always very respectful and appreciative of your help whenever you help explain class topics to her. One day, while invigilating an exam, you notice that she is cheating. She had a paper stuffed into her pencil case with formulas which is against the course policy.

  1. What are you going to do once you see this happening? 
  2. Would you react differently if this was a student that you didn’t know?
  3. Why is this an example of a “power imbalance”?

Scenario 22:
Reflect on a time when you assisted someone in need. 

  1. Describe the situation 
  2. What motivated you to assist them? 
  3. Would you have reacted differently if you were on a time crunch? (e.g. you need to study for a test during that time period). 

Scenario 23:
Parking in certain neighbourhoods is very expensive, especially downtown. This is a deterrence for many individuals from poor socio-economic backgrounds who cannot afford to enjoy those neighbourhoods. 

  1. Why is parking relatively expensive in those neighbourhoods?
  2. How can we make those neighbourhoods more accessible to individuals?
  3. Tell us about a time when you witnessed someone struggle to engage in an activity because of their financial situation?

Scenario 24:
You are a volunteer at a retirement home that has a lot of residents with dementia. You are leading a scrabble game and notice a lot of the residents with dementia are not able to score points and are becoming very frustrated. 

  1. Do you mess with the points and give more points to the residents with dementia? 
  2. Are there any other ways to solve this issue? 
  3. Let’s say one of the healthy residents said to you in private, “I don’t want to play with the demented residents, they slow us down!!”. How would you respond? 

Scenario 25:
You are the captain of your high school basketball team. Your team has been preparing all season for regional championships, which are now one week away. You get a call from your mother, in distress, saying that her sister has died unexpectedly. This sister – your aunt – has not been close to the rest of the family, and you barely know her. The funeral is on the same day as your regional championships, and the events are four hours apart by car, and you do not have a driver’s license.

  1. Do you attend the funeral or the basketball game? Why?
  2. Describe a time when you had to make a similarly challenging decision.
  3. What is your strategy for managing conflicting demands in your life? How did you develop this strategy?

Scenario 26:
You are touring a concentration camp in Europe, and you notice a couple of teenagers taking inappropriate pictures

  1. Would you say anything to the teenagers? 
  2. How would you approach the situation to make sure the teenagers learn the lesson and not repeat this again?
  3. How can we make sure that the next generation respects historical sites and their significance? 

Scenario 27:
Sherry has just broken up with her boyfriend of 10 years. She is devastated. She is always at home and doesn’t want to go out anymore. She decided to call you and tell you how awful she feels.

  1. How would you help Sherry if you were her best friend?
  2. Describe a time when you provided emotional support to a friend?
  3. What kind of characteristics do you look for in a good friend?

Scenario 28:
Albert Einstein once said, “Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

  1.  What did Einstein mean when he said that?
  2. When can curiosity be dangerous?
  3. Describe a time where you showed extensive curiosity. 

Scenario 29:
“All I know is that I know nothing.”-Socrates. 

  1. What did Socrates, a great philosopher, mean by that?
  2. Describe a personal situation that relates to this quote 
  3. What’s the best way to test one’s level of knowledge?

Scenario 30:
You are a medical student on a rotation, and during a coffee break, you overhear a group of doctors discussing the medical condition of a popular celebrity. Later that day, a close friend excitedly asks you if you’ve heard any “inside” information about the celebrity’s condition.

  1. What are the potential consequences of disclosing the information to your friend?
  2. How do you balance your personal relationship with your professional ethics in this situation?
  3. How would you address the doctors’ public discussion about a patient’s medical condition?

Scenario 31:
You are a pharmacist and a regular elderly customer confides in you that they have been cutting their pills in half to save money. They seem to be struggling financially but also need the medication.

  1. What are the potential risks to the patient in splitting their medication?
  2. How would you address the patient’s financial concerns while ensuring their health and safety?
  3. If the patient continues to split their medication against your advice, what further steps would you consider taking?

Scenario 32:
You are a newly graduated dentist and one of your first patients is an old classmate who jokes about getting a discount. After the treatment, they seriously ask for one.

  1. How do you ensure fair treatment for all patients while maintaining professional boundaries?
  2. How would you respond to your classmate’s request for a discount?
  3. Are there any alternative solutions you might propose to address your classmate’s concerns without compromising your professional integrity?

Scenario 33:
While working at a tech company, you discover a colleague has been using company resources for a personal project.

  1. How do you approach your colleague about this situation?
  2. Would you report the incident to a higher-up? Why or why not?
  3. How do you balance loyalty to your colleague with your responsibilities to the company?

Scenario 34:
You’re a high school teacher and overhear a rumor about a student planning to drop out to support their family.

  1. How would you approach the student to discuss their decision?
  2. Are there resources or options you could provide the student to help them stay in school?
  3. How can you respect the student’s privacy while addressing the situation?

Scenario 35:
You manage a team, and during a confidential meeting, one member openly criticizes another in their absence.

  1. How would you handle the situation in the moment?
  2. What steps would you take to ensure a harmonious work environment in the future?
  3. How do you address the concerns raised while maintaining team cohesion?

Scenario 36:
You are part of a committee organizing a community event. One member is consistently not contributing, causing others to pick up the slack.

  1. How would you address the member’s lack of participation?
  2. How can the committee ensure that tasks are distributed fairly?
  3. What strategies can be employed to motivate all members to contribute equally?

Scenario 37:
You work at a bank and notice a longtime customer consistently overdraws their account, leading to hefty fees.

  1. How would you approach discussing financial habits with the customer?
  2. What solutions or alternatives can you suggest to the customer to avoid such situations?
  3. How do you handle the balance between the bank’s policies and empathy for the customer’s situation?

Scenario 38:
While volunteering at a local animal shelter, you notice another volunteer is often rough with the animals.

  1. What concerns arise for you when observing the volunteer’s behavior with the animals?
  2. What strategies might you employ to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals?
  3. In what ways can the shelter train and guide volunteers for better animal care?

Scenario 39:
You are a project manager and one of your team members consistently delivers work late, impacting project timelines.

  1. What potential repercussions does the delay have on the project and team dynamics?
  2. How can you support the team member to improve their punctuality?
  3. Are there any adjustments or modifications that can be made to the project’s workflow to accommodate unforeseen delays?

Scenario 40:
You are a librarian, and a group of kids frequently use the library as a hangout spot, making noise and disturbing others.

  1. What are the challenges of maintaining a conducive environment for all library users?
  2. What alternative solutions could be provided to the kids to ensure they have a space while not disturbing others?
  3. How do you communicate the library’s rules and policies without alienating the youth?

Scenario 41:
While working at a retail store during a busy holiday season, a customer becomes irate because a promised item is out of stock.

  1. What concerns might the customer have, and how can these be validated?
  2. How do you ensure other customers aren’t negatively impacted by the situation?
  3. What solutions can be offered to the disappointed customer to resolve the issue?

Scenario 42:
You’re part of a theatre group, and during rehearsals, two actors consistently clash over creative differences.

  1. What impact do these disagreements have on the overall production and team morale?
  2. How can the group ensure a collaborative and supportive environment?
  3. What methods can be employed to resolve creative conflicts in the group?

Scenario 43:
At a local community garden, a new member named Alex has joined. While most members plant vegetables and share the harvest, Alex has taken to planting exotic, water-intensive plants. This not only reduces the water availability for other plants but also disrupts the harmony of the shared garden space.

  1. What are the potential environmental and communal impacts of Alex’s actions?
  2. Considering the shared nature of the garden, how can diversity in planting be accommodated without causing resource constraints?
  3. How do you ensure all members feel treated fairly and equitably in the community garden?

Scenario 44:
You are a team lead at a design firm. Recently, one of your team members, Jamie, faced personal challenges which led them to take some days off. Upon their return, the team dynamics seem altered. Some members seem sympathetic, but others feel Jamie’s absence impacted their workload and deadlines negatively.

  1. How might Jamie’s personal challenges and subsequent absence have affected team morale and productivity?
  2. What measures can be taken to ensure work continuity in the face of unforeseen absences?
  3. How do you foster understanding and collaboration among team members in such situations?

Scenario 45:
At a neighborhood council meeting, a proposal is put forward to replace an old playground with a modern fitness center. While younger members of the community are thrilled with the idea, older residents feel a piece of the neighborhood’s history and a space for children would be lost.

  1. What are the implications of such a change for both younger and older residents?
  2. How can the council ensure that the needs and desires of all community members are taken into account?
  3. What compromises or alternative solutions might be proposed to address the concerns of both groups?

Scenario 46:
At an art gallery exhibition, a controversial piece is displayed which has caused varying reactions. Some patrons view it as a revolutionary piece of art while others find it offensive, and a few even demand its removal.

  1. What are the broader implications of removing a piece based on public sentiment?
  2. How can the gallery ensure that it respects artistic freedom while also being sensitive to public opinion?
  3. What strategies can the gallery employ to facilitate a constructive dialogue around controversial art?

Scenario 47:
You’re part of a team organizing a multicultural festival in your city. One group wants to perform a traditional dance that includes elements that might be unfamiliar or startling to some attendees.

  1. How might the inclusion of diverse, and sometimes unfamiliar, performances impact the festival’s reception?
  2. How can you ensure cultural respect and appreciation while also preparing attendees for what to expect?
  3. What considerations should be made when curating such events to be both inclusive and respectful?

Scenario 48:
In a small town, there’s a push to convert a historic building into a modern co-working space. Proponents argue it’ll boost the local economy, but preservationists fear the town’s heritage is at stake.

  1. What are the potential consequences of altering a historic site for modern use?
  2. How can the town balance economic development with preserving its historical identity?
  3. What alternative solutions might address both the need for workspace and heritage preservation?

Scenario 49:
You are part of a university’s admissions committee. There’s a debate over whether standardized test scores should continue to be a key component of the admissions process. Some argue they level the playing field, while others believe they’re outdated and biased.

  1. What are the advantages and drawbacks of relying heavily on standardized test scores?
  2. How can the university ensure a fair admissions process that evaluates a broad range of student talents and capabilities?
  3. What alternative criteria might the university consider to achieve a diverse and talented student body?

Scenario 50:
A city’s public transport system is being overhauled. While many are in favor of more eco-friendly buses and trains, there’s concern about the increased fares to fund these changes and the potential impact on low-income commuters.

  1. What are the implications of prioritizing eco-friendly solutions at the expense of fare increases?
  2. How can the city promote sustainable transport while also ensuring it remains affordable for all its residents?
  3. What measures can be taken to minimize the financial burden on regular and low-income commuters?

Scenario 51:
In a community, a proposal to build a large shopping mall is presented. While it promises job opportunities and increased commerce, it poses a threat to several small businesses in the area.

  1. How might the introduction of a large commercial entity impact local small businesses and the community’s culture?
  2. What strategies can be employed to ensure that local businesses can compete and coexist with the new mall?
  3. How can community feedback be effectively incorporated into the final decision-making process?

Scenario 52:
You’re a manager at a company that’s considering implementing a four-day workweek after employees expressed burnout. However, there are concerns about meeting client demands and potential revenue loss.

  1. What are the potential benefits and challenges of a shorter workweek from both an employee and business perspective?
  2. How can the company ensure productivity and client satisfaction while also prioritizing employee well-being?
  3. What adjustments might be needed in company operations to successfully transition to a four-day workweek?

Scenario 53:
A popular online platform introduces a new algorithm which favors certain types of content, leading to reduced visibility for many creators. These creators argue that their livelihoods are at stake, while the platform believes it’s enhancing user experience.

  1. What are the ethical implications of an algorithm determining which content gets visibility?
  2. How can online platforms balance business objectives with their responsibility toward content creators?
  3. What measures might be suggested to ensure a fair distribution of visibility and opportunities for creators?

Scenario 54:
At a local school, parents are divided over the introduction of a new curriculum that emphasizes digital literacy. While some believe it’s crucial for future job markets, others worry about reduced focus on traditional subjects.

  1. What are the potential long-term impacts on students who receive an education heavily skewed towards either traditional or modern subjects?
  2. How can schools ensure they are preparing students for future challenges while also preserving foundational knowledge?
  3. What strategies can be used to integrate digital literacy without sidelining essential academic subjects?

Scenario 55:
A renowned chef wants to open a high-end restaurant in a neighborhood that’s rapidly gentrifying. Locals have mixed feelings, with some seeing it as a sign of progress, while others fear it’ll further alienate long-time residents.

  1. How might the introduction of such a restaurant impact the community dynamics and local economy?
  2. How can new businesses respect and integrate the cultural and historical essence of a neighborhood while bringing in modernity?
  3. What approaches might the chef consider to ensure the restaurant is inclusive and benefits the broader community?

Scenario 56:
You witness a coworker spreading unverified rumors about another colleague, potentially harming their reputation. While workplace gossip isn’t uncommon, this situation seems to cross a line.

  1. What are the ethical implications of spreading unverified information about colleagues?
  2. How can workplaces cultivate an environment where open communication is prioritized over rumor-spreading?
  3. What might be an appropriate way to respond to or intervene in such situations?

Scenario 57:
In a group project, one member consistently takes credit for work they didn’t contribute to. The rest of the group feels frustrated, but no one has confronted the individual directly.

  1. How might such behavior affect group dynamics and the overall success of the project?
  2. What are the ethical considerations when someone takes undue credit in a collaborative setting?
  3. How can the group address this issue while maintaining a cohesive working relationship?

Scenario 58:
While shopping, you notice a person discreetly taking photos of strangers without their consent. The act seems invasive, but you’re unsure of the photographer’s intentions.

  1. What ethical concerns arise from photographing individuals without their knowledge or consent?
  2. How do public spaces and personal privacy intersect in the age of ubiquitous camera phones?
  3. What might be an appropriate course of action if you feel someone’s privacy is being violated?

Scenario 59:
On a social media platform, an acquaintance often shares highly personal information about others, seemingly without their permission. While some find it entertaining, others are uncomfortable with this level of disclosure.

  1. How do ethical boundaries shift in the digital age regarding sharing personal information?
  2. What responsibility do social media users have in ensuring the privacy and respect of others?
  3. How might one approach a person who seems to blur these ethical lines online?

Scenario 60:
In a competitive work environment, a colleague openly uses flattery and insincere compliments to curry favor with superiors. Many feel this is disingenuous, but it appears to be effective.

  1. How might this behavior impact genuine interactions and trust within a team?
  2. What are the ethical implications of using insincerity as a tool for advancement?
  3. How can individuals maintain authenticity in environments that might reward such tactics?

Scenario 61:
During a family gathering, an elder consistently makes comments that are culturally insensitive. While some argue it’s a generational difference, younger family members are offended.

  1. What are the ethical considerations when addressing culturally insensitive remarks within a familial context?
  2. How can families bridge generational gaps while upholding respect for all members?
  3. What strategies might be effective in fostering understanding and empathy in such settings?

Scenario 62:
In a college seminar, a student frequently dominates discussions, often talking over peers and not allowing others an opportunity to speak.

  1. What ethical concerns arise when an individual monopolizes conversation in a shared learning environment?
  2. How can educators ensure that all voices are heard and valued equally?
  3. What approaches might be effective in encouraging more balanced participation?

Scenario 63:
You discover that a friend frequently embellishes their personal stories, adding or altering details for dramatic effect. While the exaggerations are mostly harmless, it raises questions about authenticity.

  1. How do the ethics of honesty and authenticity play into personal narratives and storytelling?
  2. What impact might habitual exaggeration have on personal relationships and trust?
  3. How might one approach a friend about these perceived embellishments without causing strain?

Scenario 64:
During a community meeting, a member consistently interrupts and speaks over women, leading to feelings of marginalization among female participants.

  1. What are the ethical implications of such behavior in group settings, especially regarding gender dynamics?
  2. How can community meetings ensure that all members are treated equitably and given an equal voice?
  3. What steps might be taken to address and rectify such patterns of behavior?

Scenario 65:
You are part of a team working on a project, and a colleague frequently shares the group’s internal discussions and challenges with outsiders, potentially jeopardizing the project’s success.

  1. What are the ethical concerns related to confidentiality within team settings?
  2. How can teams establish boundaries around what information should remain private?
  3. How might the team address concerns about breaches of trust and ensure future confidentiality?


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