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Featured MD Consultant: Max (Western University, Schulich School of Medicine)

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AcceptedTogether Consultants

We are admissions consultants dedicated to helping you get into your dream school


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Q1:What is your position and at which school?

2nd medical student at the University of Western Ontario

Q2: Tell us a bit about yourself!

I was born in raised in Toronto. I enjoy endurance sports, reading, snowboarding, camping and road trips.

Q3: What’s one thing that others may not know about you? 

I have flat feet :O

Q4: If you didn’t go into the field you are in right now, what field would you have gone into?

Public service of a sort (Police, Firefighter etc.)

Q5: What is the most difficult interview question in your opinion?

Weird situational questions

Q6: What do you think contributed the most to your success?

Practice, Reflection, Feedback

Q7: What was your application journey like? 

It took about 3 years for me to get in. It was stressful, hard, but ultimately the process made me reflect about what my motivations were, who I was, and what I wanted out of a career and life in medicine

Q8: Would you like to share some statistics with us? (This can be in the form of GPA/MCAT/Casper scores, the number of schools you applied to and got accepted, etc.)

MCAT 518. CASPer 4th quartile. Schools accepted: UWO, RCSI. Interviewed at Queen’s. Applied to many

Q9: What services do you offer? 

Application/ABS prep and consultation
Essay editing
Interview prep
CASPer prep

Q10: What’s your biggest tip for students applying to your field? 

Play the long game – prep early, do the activities you enjoy, and be ready for failures of various sizes. This will get you an acceptance and make the process less miserable.

Q11: Why should students choose you as their consultant?

I love talking to people! We will chat a lot so we can figure out what amazing features of yours to highlight in your apps.

However, students should pick who is best for them based on program interests, personal interests, and experience. So if you want to see if we’re a good fit, please reach out to me 🙂

Q12: Any other information you would like to share with students?

Good luck with your applications!


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